My actual life started in Benigno S. Aquino National High School. My first painful and genuine tears, the first time I felt humiliated by a teacher but I won't mention his or her name, the very first time that I drank several cups of coffee in one sitting, and many more. It may sound weak because I'm still a high schooler, but I bet we all have experienced these.
I watched my classmates as they grow from immature and toxic kids to perceptive and open-minded teenagers. And I think, that is the best glow up that everyone should have.

BSANHS is the largest high school in the whole province of Tarlac. It was supposed to be the Tarlac National High School, but it got separated into two. BSANHS is located in San Nicolas Poblacion Concepcion, Tarlac.
I was from the first batch of the special science class, that is why our junior high school year has never been so sweet. We started to do science research at the second year, I was 13 that time. But it is not really as bad as you think. Being in our class is both a blessing and a curse.
BSANHS is a huge school with an open field in the middle, we call that an Oval. It was full of tall grasses before and no one really walks through it. But then it transformed into nice place with a football field. It is where sports and other activities are usually held.
I remember the first and last time that I cried in school. It happened in the quadrangle, after our research got rejected on the final defense, and the most painful part is that it was not my fault. Maybe I should call it a semi-final defense. Well, I don't really mind because I still got a 95 grade. Not bad.
Quadrangle is where most of the activities are usually held. The flag ceremonies, meetings, start of a game, performance stage, and many other events that needs an open field without distraction. We even practice our dance performance in there and use it as a resting place. So much memories.

And last, the school gymnasium. It is a huge place and large events are usually held in here, even some of the pageants. We had our mini prom in the gymnasium, where I unconsciously wore a backless dress. I thought it was just a simple glittery gown because I never really noticed the transparency of the back part. Well at least I did not trip.